Frequently Asked Questions​
Information prior to starting participation
What will I get for participating?
Your child will have multiple chances to win prizes to take home and your participation is compensated up to $125 for the first visit, $100 for the second visit, and $75 for the third visit. After the 3 sessions you can get a report of your child's mental health status. Also, you and your child will have contributed to science and new knowledge!

I don't have childcare for my other children; can I still participate?
If you don't have childcare for other children while you participate, let us know when you speak to the researcher on the phone. We can talk about options to have a research assistant provide childcare during the session.

To participate you must:
1. Be the legal caregiver for a child
2. Have a child ages 4-7 years old
3. Child does not have a developmental disability or diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
4. Be willing to come in for 3 annual visits (in other words, no plans to move out of St. Louis region in the next 2 years)
Who can participate?
If you don't have access to transportation, let us know when you speak to the researcher on the phone. We can talk about options to get you and your child to the lab.
I don't have access to transportation; can I still participate?

Information once you are involved in the study
What will you do with the data from NOA?
Your data is completely confidential and your name or any identifying information is not in the same place as your data. After all the data is gathered from participants, we will analyze it and write a scientific paper (or a couple papers!) that will be published. These papers will help with new knowledge about risk factors (and resilience factors) related to child temperament/personality, mental illness and social functioning. These papers will be available publicly for to you to read on PubMed, or by contacting us. As we publish papers, we will also send out newsletters with updates on the study progress and papers we publish!

Please see our EEG page for more information!
What is an EEG?